Similar to myths in other cultures, classical myths also included a creation myth. At first, there was only Chaos, a dark and silent abyss. Then, Gaia, the Earth, was spawned. She was a primordial deity*, as was the deity she produced, Ouranos, the Sky. They fell in love with each other and later produced many children, such as the Hekatoncheires, the Titans and the Cyclops. There were three cyclops and three hekatoncheires in total, each with distinguishing characteristics.

The Cyclops were well-known for being giant and having only one eye. They were excellent blacksmiths/crafters, fabricating a lot of weapons for gods and famous heroes. Their names were Arges, Steropes, and Brontes. These three were the original Cyclops until later on, poets began speaking of a different race of Cyclops, ones that were violent, dim-witted shepherds. These shepherds were mostly the offspring of Poseidon, the god of the sea.
The Hekatoncheires, less celebrated, had a hundred hands and fifty heads. Their name (Hekatoncheire) quite literally means, “The Hundred-Handed Ones”. There were also only the three of them and had immeasurable strength. Their names were Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges.
Finally, the Titans. They were notorious for being colossal giants, able to sit on mountains. There were originally 12 titans -- 6 males, and 6 females. The brothers were named Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus, while the sisters were named Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys.
Gaia loved all her children equally. Thus, she was devastated when Ouranos found the Cyclops and HeKatoncheires too ugly, locking them up in Tartaros**. She grew resentful towards Ouranos and eventually began to plot his death. She asked her children, the Titans, to kill Ouranos. None of them were brave enough, save for Cronus, the youngest and most ambitious of the Titans. Gaia gifted a sickle to Cronus to be used to murder Ouranos.
Four of Cronus’ brothers, Iapetus, Hyperion, Krios, and Koios, held Ouranos down as Cronus killed him. But before Ouranos died, he issued a prophecy that stated Cronus would be usurped by his children, similar to how Cronus killed his father.
When Ouranos was killed, his blood splattered onto the Earth and from Ouranos’ blood sprang several mythical figures, such as the Furies, nymphs, and even Aphrodite (Venus) herself.
*- There were many primordial deities. Chaos was one, as was Eros (Desire) and Tartaros. There was also Nyx (Night) and Erebus.
**- Tartaros is also a place in the Underworld, reserved for punishing the wicked. It can be compared to Hell in Christianity.