About NAD
The New Acta Diurna (NAD) is an online newsletter written for and published by lovers of Latin, with articles on topics such as the Latin language, mythology, Roman history, philosophy, Roman culture, art, etc. We are so excited to present this idea to provide students the opportunity to remain involved and engaged in the world of Classics while at home!
NAD’s namesake was, of course, inspired by the Acta Diurna. The Acta Diurna, translated to "daily acts", was the world’s first newspaper created by Julius Caesar that dates back to even before 59 BC. Thus, this 2020 online newsletter is a kind of “new” Acta Diurna!
Thank you for visiting NAD, and we hope that you learned something new about Latin or Roman culture. Please subscribe to our biweekly newsletter to keep updated on our newest posts and more from The New Acta Diurna!
"Quot homines tot sententiae: suus cuique mos."
There are as many opinions as there are people: each has his own view.
- Terentius