A group of deities or goddesses, the Nine Muses, were blessed with not only artistic talents such as music, dance, and poetry but also beauty and grace. Often associated with Apollo, ancient Grecians would pray to them for inspiration to create. Fun fact: the word museum originates from the name of the Nine Muses!
Individually, they are Thalia, Urania, Melpomene, Polymnia, Erato, Calliope, Clio, Euterpe, Terpsichore. This order is not the way that the muses are usually named, however, it is useful as an acronym to remember all nine muses. “TUM PECCET”. I’ve tried it out myself, and it does work pretty well!
In the myth, the god Zeus slept with Mnemosyne, the Titan/personification of Memory, for nine consecutive nights, which resulted in the Nine Muses.
Calliope is usually the most commonly mentioned and most important muse, the muse of epic poetry or rhetoric. Homer is said to have asked her for inspiration while writing the Iliad and the Odyssey, and she is usually depicted as holding a writing stylus and tablet.
Clio is the muse of history and as such, in ancient history, history was called “Clio”. She is often depicted with a scroll in her hand.
Erato is the muse of love poetry/erotic poetry and mime. She is usually depicted with a lyre, which is a stringed instrument similar to a small harp.
Euterpe is the muse of lyric poetry and music, which is why she is usually depicted with a double aulos, which is a kind of flute.
Melpomene, opposite to Thalia, is the muse of tragedy, and as such, she is usually depicted with a tragedy mask or some other symbol of tragedy.
Polymnia is the muse of sacred poetry and hymns.
Terpsichore is the muse of dance, which is why she is usually depicted dancing.
Thalia, opposite to Melpomene, is the muse of comedy, and as such, she is usually depicted with a comedy or theatrical mask
Ourania is the muse of astronomy, and as such, she is usually depicted with a celestial globe.
Believed to live on Mount Olympus beside the gods and goddesses, the Nine Muses also provided entertainment such as song and dance, especially for feasts and special occasions. Some of those occasions included the marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia and the marriage of Peleus and Thetis.
Their role in artistic creation through “Clio” has been crucial and accordingly, the Nine Muses are depicted the most in forms of art, such as sculptures, pottery, mosaics, and much more.