Michelle Wishner
Michelle Wishner is currently a senior at Jericho High School enrolled in Advanced Latin Literature. She has been very passionate about Latin and Roman culture since she entered Latin class freshman year. As an active member of Latin Honor Society, Michelle has been promoted from the secretary position which she held junior year to the position of Co-President senior year. She has placed in the National Latin Exam for the past three years, and her passions led her to achieving a gold medal this past year in Latin III. As Senior Editor, she hopes to spread her interest in Latin among students.
Hitomi Honda
Hitomi Honda is currently a senior at Jericho High School studying Advanced Latin Literature. Ever since middle school, she has been eager to learn more about the Latin language and all of ancient Rome's history and culture. In addition to being the co-founder and president of her Certamen Society at school, she holds the position of Co-President of Latin Honor Society. She furthers this passion by competing in Certamina at Princeton, Stony Brook, etc. As the founder of NAD, she hopes to inspire students to immerse themselves in the richness and the beauty that is the Roman culture through these articles.

Angela Zhu
Angela Zhu is a junior at Jericho High School. Starting high school, she was finally presented with the option to take Latin class. Having learned both Chinese and French, language was ingrained as a large part of her life. Thus, she chose Latin as her second language in school and has been a great experience. Not only is she learning a foreign language, she is also delving into English roots and other romance languages. She also finds Roman culture and mythology fascinating and loves learning more. Angela will continue to learn Latin in high school and hopes to bring more attention to this beautiful language through writing.
Robin Bank
Robin Bank is a junior at Jericho High School. She has always been intrigued by linguistics -- reading books and learning Italian allowed her to explore her fascination on a limited platform. Learning Latin instantly piqued her interest, considering how many derivatives there are in English and romance languages. It has made a great impact on her life, as she not only is fascinated by the language, but it has helped her in many ways. Its extensive influence on English helps her figure out meanings of unknown words. By sharing her articles, she hopes to share her gained benefits with readers.

Megan Jung
Megan Jung is a junior at Jericho High School currently studying the course Latin III. As early as her first high school years, she began to start being interested in the Roman language and culture. In middle school, Megan started studying Italian and began to be slowly introduced to Latin in her freshman year of high school. She is in both Italian and Latin Honor Society and competed in the Certamen at various universities, such as Stony Brook and Princeton, and online. She tries to share her knowledge of Latin and Roman culture through her articles and words.

Alyssa Paek
Alyssa Paek is a rising senior at Jericho High School and a lover of Greek history and mythology. Though much of her free time is spent playing with her dog, one of her greatest passions is writing. Combining Greek and Roman mythology with writing is likely to be one of the most exciting ventures that she has dipped into, and she can't wait to continue!

Sara Wishner
Sara Wishner is a rising junior at Jericho High School who has been taking Latin since her freshman year. In the class, she has developed a strong love for the Latin language and the ancient Roman Culture. Sara has pursued this passion by participating in the National Latin Exam for two years. She is excited to be a part of this newspaper to teach many others about the importance and prevalence of Latin in everyday life.
Nancy Zoria
Nancy Zoria is a junior at Jericho High School. She is very excited to be writing articles for the New Acta Diurna. She has taken two years of Latin and will still continue to pursue her love for the class. Latin has truly deepened her understanding of history and the modern world. Through derivatives, prevalent mottoes, ancient Roman history, and modern implications, Latin continues to remain an important language. As a writer, Nancy will put in her best effort to help spread the knowledge of what she has learned from my experience with Latin to others.
Hiroto Honda
Hiroto Honda is a rising 7th grader at Jericho Middle School. Since young, Hiroto has enjoyed studying and learning about world geography and social studies, especially about the ancient world. This passion inspired him to compete in Jericho Middle School’s annual Geography Bee and placed second as a sixth grader! He is very interested in writing informative articles for the NAD, and he can’t wait to take Latin classes in high school, just like his sister. He enjoys learning about Roman history and culture and is excited to teach others through the New Acta Diurna.

Jillian Miu
Jillian Miu is a junior at Jericho High School. She has taken Spanish for many years, this year being the first that she is taking both Latin and Spanish. She finds it interesting to see the extent of Latin’s influence on Spanish and other romance languages. In class, she has enjoyed learning about the history of English derivates though analyzing their roots and meanings. In the future, she is excited to learn more about mythology and culture.

Brendan Shek
Brendan Shek is a rising freshman at Jericho High School. Always passionate to learn more about the past, he enjoys learning and writing about Ancient Roman history, culture, and more. He also has a great interest in the Latin language. As a writer for NAD, he hopes to educate others about the significance of Latin and Ancient Roman culture.

Stephanie Zhang
Stephanie Zhang was born in China, but she was brought up in Canada. She has had schooling in China, Canada, and the United States. She loves reading novels and watching TV shows. She would like to become a doctor someday, and hopefully, travel the world. She loves learning about Ancient Roman culture and Latin. Stephanie also loves mythology in all cultures, and she loves writing about it. You will see that a lot of the mythology articles are written by her!