A tale of two sets of triplets unfolds -- two sets of triplets fighting patriotically for their respective cities during the war between neighbors Rome and Alba Longa -- a story of wit, nerve, and legendary history.

Three brothers each. Two opposing cities. One war.
The armies faced off -- one side Roman and the other Alban. The funny thing about this story is that even such a popular event in history can be left with confusion of which set of brothers fought for which town; however, it is commonly accepted that the Horatii brothers were Romans and the Curiatii were Alban according to the historian Livy. It was 670 B.C., during the reign of Tullus Hostilius who was the famously combative third king of Rome. Despite their conflict, there were many close ties between Rome and Alba Longa (Rhea Silva, Romulus and Remus’ mother, was the daughter of the Numitor who was the king of Alba Longa at the time) and both sides of this dispute agreed that it was not worth the loss of so many unnecessary lives. There was no arrangement more perfect than to have the one set of triplets, equal in age and height, from each town fight to determine the victor. The last man standing would win their peoples the spoils of power over the defeated with good peace.
As peacefully agreed, the triplet brothers picked up their swords and weapons, armed and ready to gallantly walk to the center of the battle line. The signal to commence the war had been given, and the young men clashed their swords violently against one another. They lost themselves in the fight, thinking of nothing, not even of their own safety, but their pride for their town and everyone who was counting on them to come out victorious back at home. The triplets held in their hands, both literally and figuratively, the sovereignty over their current opponents or their servitude, and that was enough to keep them going strong.
It seemed as though all hope was lost for the Romans as two Horatii quickly fell to their demise in anguish. All three Curiatii brothers were still standing, albeit injured, leaving the Alban crowd cheering for their near victory and jeering at the last unwounded Horatii brother. The three Curiatii brothers surrounded the lone rival brother, ready to slay him to his demise with no chance of escaping unscathed. Horatius, the last remaining Horatii brother, suddenly thought of a brilliant idea that might actually cause the war to end in his favor: fleeing. It might have appeared cowardly to those who were watching -- simply running away in fear of his enemies -- but he smiled to himself with confidence and hope as he turned around and saw the brothers chasing after him.
All three brothers pursued him as fast as they could, yet they all ran at different speeds after him due to the varying severity of their battle wounds. Ironically, Horatius had managed to split up the three brothers by running far away from the original location of battle. The least wounded brother followed close behind, but Horatius quickly turned around and attacked him with all his might. The Alban army groaned in frustration and called urgently to the other two Curiatii brothers to avenge their brother’s death. Horatius, still energized from his last victory, charged at the second brother approaching with might. He fell to the ground just like the first Curiatii brother had. Now, there was only one brother left on each side of the battle, yet the fight was in no way equal. An uninjured Horatius, having gained confidence and ferocity from his last two battles that fed into his last, pounced on the last Curiatii brother who was already wounded and torn from the defeat of his two brothers. There was no doubt at this point as to who would win. The tables had been turned with one fateful decision, and Horatius emerged as the victor.
The Romans met Horatius ceremoniously, so struck with rejoice they nearly forgot that they had almost lost. As per the treaty, the Albans were now under the rule of the Romans, and the two towns were merged into one.
The ultimate downfall of the Albans was a mere result of a “war” of just six youths.