In the Roman Empire, bathing and relaxation in a warm bath was very common. Roman baths needed lots of space and different rooms for different purposes. In fact, Roman baths led to the fabrication of the dome structure, which is a major part in Roman architecture.

The Greeks had baths as well; However, they were more like small pools. The Romans expanded on this idea by creating a massive area of water. These baths grew popular all over Rome, and soon there were 170 baths in Rome during the rule of emperor Augustus. By 300 A.D, the original 170 baths had increased to almost 1000 Roman baths. They were open to all people, rich and poor.

There are three kinds of rooms that make up a Roman bath. The warm bath is called the tepidarium. This bath is most common, and water was fresh, brought over by an aqueduct. The hot bath is called the caldarium, where slaves would rub their masters with oil. The bath that people swim in is called the frigidarium.
Some famous baths include the Lepcis Magna, with its well-preserved domes, Timgad at Ephesos, and the Antonine Baths at Carthage.